Flex­i­ble Legal Resourc­ing – the Lex­So­lu­tions Approach

Legal inno­va­tion no more

Flex­i­ble legal sup­port for busi­ness­es and in-house teams is not a new thing these days. 

The num­ber of options in the legal mar­ket shows how we have moved on, with lots of options for Gen­er­al Coun­sel, Heads of Legal Oper­a­tions and busi­ness own­ers when it comes to inter­im, project sup­port and cov­er­ing gaps in resource. 

So how do you dif­fer­en­ti­ate if you are a Gen­er­al Coun­sel or a busi­ness own­er look­ing for the right lawyer for your busi­ness or team? 

The team at Lex­So­lu­tions have worked as Gen­er­al Coun­sel. We know how find­ing the right lawyers for the short term or the longer term can be the extra oil you need in your machine. 

But only if they are the right lawyers. 

Here are some of the steps we take at Lex­So­lu­tions to ensure every sin­gle lawyer we place with our legal teams or busi­ness clients is the right match. 

Tech­ni­cal legal skills are a giv­en – but are they?

Some­times, as lawyers, tech­ni­cal exper­tise can be tak­en as a giv­en. But as senior lawyers, we are well placed to speak with every can­di­date we place about their legal expe­ri­ence, work­ing out both spe­cial­ist and gen­er­al­ist exper­tise. We cov­er all pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence han­dling cas­es, projects and busi­ness­es and ask for exam­ples, query about out­comes and issues and what might have been done dif­fer­ent­ly, as well as nego­ti­at­ing skills. 

A coach­ing approach

We assess for atti­tude and approach. As cer­ti­fied coach­es, we are always active­ly lis­ten­ing to our can­di­dates to work out the right cul­tur­al fit. We have all seen how the cul­ture of a team or a busi­ness can either facil­i­tate its suc­cess or her­ald its fail­ure. Get­ting the right mix of diver­si­ty in your legal team to fuel inno­va­tion and to ensure you oper­ate in a way that is ener­gis­ing, col­lab­o­ra­tive and fun is some­thing we work with our clients on when it comes to cre­at­ing entire pro­grammes to design a cul­ture. We want you to grow and engaged, hap­py and high-per­form­ing team who deliv­er their true poten­tial, and this goes for your out­sourced legal sup­port as well. 

For those clients where we often have groups of lawyers through Lex­So­lu­tions, we offer free rela­tion­ships sys­tems coach­ing, work­ing with those in-house legal teams to fos­ter a col­lab­o­ra­tive, enthu­si­as­tic and pos­i­tive cul­ture where every lawyers and con­trac­tor is aligned and work­ing towards com­mon goals. 

Access to ongo­ing ongo­ing men­tor­ship and coaching 

We ensure all our sec­on­dees and lawyers on place­ments have access to ongo­ing men­tor­ship to sup­port them in their pro­gres­sion and jour­ney as a con­trac­tor and con­sul­tant lawyer. We place huge val­ue on pro­fes­sion­al well-being and sup­port and know this is often a miss­ing piece when legal con­sul­tants strike out on their own and move between con­tracts. We aim to ensure nobody feels iso­lat­ed in their role and always has access to sup­port from one of our senior lawyers to help them nav­i­gate any challenges. 

On pay­ing for val­ue

There is no short­age of oppor­tu­ni­ties right now for legal con­sul­tants. But there is a clash between the cost of liv­ing cri­sis and pres­sure on Gen­er­al Coun­sel to reduce budget. 

Can­di­dates need more. Gen­er­al Coun­sel are look­ing to pay less. 

So that’s why we place a huge empha­sis on val­ue, senior­i­ty and cul­tur­al fit at Lex­So­lu­tions, as well as ongo­ing men­tor­ing and coach­ing so our can­di­dates con­tin­ue to have sup­port whilst they are in role. 

That means a price that is reas­sur­ing­ly val­ue-dri­ven, but that works for both our can­di­dates and our clients. 

The beau­ty of being a small­er busi­ness is always being able to keep our hand in when it comes to val­ue-dri­ven pric­ing and ensur­ing the right fit for your legal team or business. 

Because big is not always best. And cheap is not always value. 

If you are a Gen­er­al Coun­sel look­ing for addi­tion­al sup­port with your in-house team, we are only a call away. We under­stand the need to bal­ance pric­ing with qual­i­ty and are here to help our Gen­er­al Coun­sel and busi­ness own­er clients nav­i­gate this. Con­tact us and we will be in touch.

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Further reading