Legal Teams: Why You Need to Get Your Hands Dirty with Process – Part 1
In our recent No Bull Workshop, some key themes emerged from our room full of Legal Operations enthusiasts, that challenge accepted conventions. The first was the hidden innovation opportunity that’s locked up in the content that in-house lawyers generate every day (check out our last blog for a recap on that discussion.) The second big theme was process: the need for legal teams to get involved with business processes. That’s right, legal process improvement actually means business process improvement. We repeatedly hear that businesses complain that in-house lawyers overcomplicate things with too much process. But legal teams struggle to work…
18 Sep
Further reading
No Bull Insights: Why Changing How Lawyers Write Is A Game Changer for Legal Ops Success
Legal Content in Action LexSolution’s very first No Bull Legal Ops Workshop brought together fifty Legal Operations professionals to discuss…
23 Jul
Transforming Legal Teams with No Bull
No Bull Legal Operations Workshop “Genuinely one of the most fun sessions I've been to (whilst still being informative) and…
2 Jul
A radical new twist to Root Cause Analysis for kick starting and sustaining change in your legal team
How can General Counsel ensure that their efforts to develop and modernise the legal team are not just short-term fixes,…
26 Sep
Which kind of law firm do you sell to your clients?
Which kind of law firm do you sell to your clients? An article featured in an issue of PSMG LLP…
1 Aug