Lex­So­lu­tions and Majo­to collaborate

There is no better way to understand new tech than to use some of it in your own business.

A major part of how we work with legal teams at Lex­So­lu­tions is to help cre­ate legal oper­a­tions strate­gies. This will often mean review­ing a team’s pur­pose, objec­tives and chal­lenges – and then design­ing solu­tions that fit. Tech is only one (and often the last) piece of the puz­zle. After dis­cov­ery and design, we can review and rec­om­mend which ones teams should adopt – in line with their needs. This also requires an under­stand­ing of that par­tic­u­lar team’s tech­nol­o­gy stack and oper­a­tional cul­ture in the con­text of the wider business. 

There is no one size fits all. As legal tech­nol­o­gy evolves and there is an ever increas­ing range of pos­si­bil­i­ties, we make it our busi­ness to under­stand new prod­ucts on the mar­ket and how these can have an impact on the teams we work with. Espe­cial­ly new prod­ucts that are solv­ing per­sis­tent prob­lems differently. 

Majo­to is a new con­tract automa­tion tool which has been found­ed by our very own Head of Inno­va­tion, Denis Potemkin. Denis is on a mis­sion to trans­form the world of con­tracts and bring clar­i­ty to the whole con­tract process. Majo­to is cen­tral to this mis­sion. It’s a con­tract work­flow solu­tion that makes it pos­si­ble to auto­mate visu­al con­tracts: mod­ern user-cen­tric doc­u­ments that peo­ple can understand. 

So in order to evan­ge­lise about Majo­to with in-house legal teams, Lex­So­lu­tions has been using Majo­to to auto­mate its cus­tomer engage­ment let­ters and proposals. 

As well as the usu­al ben­e­fits of faster doc­u­ment cre­ation and e‑signature, Majo­to makes this process bet­ter in the fol­low­ing ways: 

  • It makes it easy to add state­ments of work to an exist­ing engage­ment, so a con­tract becomes a liv­ing” doc­u­ment with every­thing in one place. 
  • It enables Lex­So­lu­tions to seam­less­ly inte­grate detailed project esti­mates and time track­ing with attrac­tive client-fac­ing project documents. 
  • Lex­So­lu­tions can gen­er­ate stan­dard and cus­tom engage­ment let­ters in a for­mat that is easy to digest, strip­ping away infor­ma­tion overload. 
  • Majo­to is built on Google Work­space enabling col­lab­o­ra­tion on doc­u­ments in real time. 

So what’s the ulti­mate benefit? 

For us at Lex­So­lu­tions, it has meant being able to deliv­er great-look­ing pro­pos­als that clients under­stand, that are con­sis­tent with our agile design-led deliv­ery model.Importantly for a lean busi­ness, there’s also a time-sav­ing of 50%. 

As with our whole approach, some­times the visu­als make the point bet­ter than the writ­ten word, so here are some exam­ples of our Majo­to documents. 

Lex and Mojato

Are you a pro­gres­sive legal team look­ing to up your con­tracts game with a new approach? Would you like to join Lex­So­lu­tions and be part of Majoto’s beta test­ing com­mu­ni­ty as we evolve this tool? If you are as enthu­si­as­tic about the future of con­tracts as we are, drop one of the team a line. 



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