Giv­ing pow­er to the peo­ple in law firms

Does the pub­lic image your firm por­trays match the real­i­ty of work­ing there? 

Every week, we speak with lawyers and legal pro­fes­sion­als who are expe­ri­enc­ing challenges: 

  • Burn-out and well-being 
  • Work over­load and a tox­ic culture 
  • A lack of pur­pose, mean­ing and belonging.

Yet the PR tells a dif­fer­ent tale. 

We des­per­ate­ly want to change this. And how do we do this? 

At Lex­So­lu­tions, we have part­nered with the Matu­ri­ty Insti­tute to eval­u­ate the real­i­ty of the legal sector. 

Realise the poten­tial of your human capital 

The Matu­ri­ty Insti­tute’s work is the only robust, inde­pen­dent and pres­sure-test­ed method­ol­o­gy that holis­ti­cal­ly analy­ses organ­i­sa­tion­al cul­ture and invest­ment in human capital. 

Matu­ri­ty” is defined as the extent to which organ­i­sa­tions realise the poten­tial of their human cap­i­tal, deliv­er­ing mean­ing­ful pur­pose and val­ue that ben­e­fits everyone. 

In short, its mis­sion is to cre­ates the best out­comes for peo­ple, plan­et and law firms themselves. 

We want to know your con­fi­den­tial views

We have already been work­ing with a num­ber of law firms and legal teams to assess their maturity. 

Now, we give pow­er to you, the peo­ple in law firms, to say what you real­ly think and show each oth­er the way for­ward. This data has to be the start­ing point to make it better. 

We are open­ing up the DNA Diag­nos­tic to every­one in the law firm indus­try to be able to con­fi­den­tial­ly feed in and express their views around ESG, DEI, cul­ture and how their firm val­ues its peo­ple. It only takes 10 minutes. 

What do you get if you fill in the DNA Diagnostic? 

  • An imme­di­ate report back on the matu­ri­ty’ of your organ­i­sa­tion across mul­ti­ple factors 
  • If you spread the word, the start of inter­est­ing con­ver­sa­tion with oth­ers who have done the survey 
  • The abil­i­ty to help shape the legal pro­fes­sion for the better. 

It’s our mis­sion to analyse as far across the legal indus­try as we can. We want to get enough data and insights to do mean­ing­ful work on this at the root of the issues. 

This is an entire­ly con­fi­den­tial exer­cise any­one can take part in. And if you feel too wor­ried to do it with even that assur­ance, you have to ques­tion why? Why have we built a cul­ture in legal that gives you anx­i­ety about express­ing your hon­est views so we can work togeth­er to make it better? 

We can only make it bet­ter when we know the real­i­ty of the peo­ple work­ing in it. 

And that’s all of you. 

Who’s going first? 

Com­plete the sur­vey here.

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Further reading