Bring­ing sim­plic­i­ty and con­sis­ten­cy after major transformation

The team at Lex worked with Centaur to create and deliver a roadmap of improvements for their legal operations and activities.

Bring­ing sim­plic­i­ty and con­sis­ten­cy to Cen­taur after major transformation

Cen­taur has evolved at pace in recent years, build­ing on its rep­u­ta­tion for pro­vid­ing high­ly val­ued thought lead­ing con­tent in inno­v­a­tive ways, to focus on the paid pro­vi­sion of busi­ness intel­li­gence, con­sul­tan­cy, train­ing and lead gen­er­a­tion for the mar­ket­ing and legal professions. 

This rapid trans­for­ma­tion brought a vari­ety of chal­lenges to over­come across Centaur’s legal oper­a­tions and activities:

  • The var­i­ous terms of busi­ness need­ed to be ratio­nalised and made eas­i­er to under­stand – they weren’t acces­si­ble enough and it wasn’t always easy for cus­tomers to under­stand which apply
  • There were too many over­laps between the T&Cs – they reflect­ed dif­fer­ent ser­vices and weren’t consistent
  • The pre­sen­ta­tion and brand­ing need­ed to be improved

Legal Team Dis­cov­ery Work­shop to dis­cov­er and align 

Lex­So­lu­tions began the process to tack­le these chal­lenges with a dis­cov­ery work­shop incor­po­rat­ing design think­ing, rela­tion­ship sys­tems and coach­ing all with­in an inter­ac­tive and engag­ing session.

This allowed Lex to define the chal­lenges with much more clar­i­ty, brain­storm pos­si­ble solu­tions and deliv­er a roadmap of how to make con­crete improvements. 

While we focused on con­tracts, the dis­cov­ery process mapped oth­er chal­lenges with legal ser­vice deliv­ery to cre­ate a roadmap for improvements.

A new approach to Ts and Cs 

The team at Lex cre­at­ed a new infor­ma­tion archi­tec­ture for a pilot con­tract, that could also be applied through­out all of Centaur’s T&Cs to stream­line them and cre­ate con­sis­ten­cy. By analysing the dif­fer­ent cat­e­gories of con­tent in Centaur’s T&Cs and restruc­tur­ing them to be sim­pler and more read­i­ly under­stand­able, and by chang­ing how the terms were pre­sent­ed online, we cre­at­ed a bet­ter user expe­ri­ence while mak­ing the doc­u­ments more scal­able and future-proof. 

Cen­taur said: 

Lex Solu­tions helped us to pri­ori­tise our chal­lenges and quick­ly find solu­tions. We had a menu of quick wins so imme­di­ate improve­ments could be made whilst at the same time build­ing the foun­da­tion for big­ger and more sus­tained changes.

Our key strengths are the exper­tise of our peo­ple, the qual­i­ty of our brands and prod­ucts, and our abil­i­ty to har­ness tech­nol­o­gy to inno­vate con­tin­u­al­ly and devel­op our cus­tomer offer­ing. Lex pro­vid­ed invalu­able guid­ance on how to keep us evolv­ing in the right direc­tion.”

If you are a legal team look­ing to tack­le any­thing from a spe­cif­ic chal­lenge or your whole strat­e­gy and roadmap, this is a core part of what we do here at Lex Solu­tions. To talk about how we could work with you and your team, con­tact Manu Kan­war on manu@​lexsolutions.​com.

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